Welcome to the speakers section of our website.
You will find here all relevant information for your participation in CACVS 2013.
If you need further assistance please contact Alexandra Bergès:
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It will be organized by divine [id] until December 9. The agency will take care of your travel and hotel accommodation at the Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel. We kindly ask you to inform us on your arrival and departure dates as soon as possible in order to benefit from the best conditions, and no later than December 9, 2012.
Afterwards, you will be reimbursed on the basis of the fare of a coach ticket at this date.
To book now please contact Justine Crollard:
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It will be publishedonline in the CACVS 2013 Congress E-Book. Since we need to review your article prior to its publication, and in order to stick to our printing timetable, we need to receive your manuscript though this website before December 3rd, 2012. We do not accept any longer manuscripts sent by email.
The ideal length of your article would be of 8 000 signs, and cannot exceed 15 000 signs.
Your article must be written in English.
You will have a specific time to give your presentation and deliver it as clear and convincing as possible. When justified, ludic messages can be used; they may increase the efficiency of your whole presentation. If you want to show videos, please make sure to bring with you the corresponding source files.
We do insist on the fact that the timing should be kept as close as possible to the one proposed above. This will greatly help the congress to run smoothly, will leave enough time for questions & discussion and will guarantee a equal time to all speakers.
You will be asked to give your presentation onsite to the audiovisual team no later than 3 hours before your talk.
In no case you will be allowed to use your personal laptop computer to show your presentation.
Do not forget to prepare one simple Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) to be asked at the end of your presentation to enhance interaction with the public.
Click here to download the Power Point master slide if you need it for your presentation. We recommend you, whether you use this model or not, to fill in the "disclosure of interest slide" and show it in your presentation.
Please complete here the authorization, we need it to be able to display your video presentation on the web (www.cacvsarchives.org/archivesite/2013) by streaming and to place it on the VOD version of the congress online.
Do not hesitate to contact Alexandra Bergès for any further explanations or details:
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Thank you again for your participation
The scientific comittee