Chairmen |
Gilbert Franco, Jean Marzelle
08.00 |
Vascular access news |
08.00 |
Vascular access monitoring: from being idealistic to realistic, Eric Chemla
08.10 |
Central venous disease at the costo-clavicular junction, Karl Illig
08.20 |
Eradication of juxta-anastomosis stenoses in radio-cephalic fistulae: the RADAR technique, Nirvana Sadaghianloo
08.30 |
Ongoing trials and new and novel technology (Drug eluting balloons, Blue grass flossing technique, laminate external stents, coll-r eluting gauze, etc.), Raphael Coscas
08.40 |
08.55 |
Tricks of the trade for a safe cannulation technique |
08.55 |
Make it easier (transposition, elevation and lipectomy), Pierre Bourquelot
09.05 |
Make it quicker and less painful (ultrasound guided cannulations, early stick grafts, VWING, venous autotransplant), Eric Chemla |
09.15 |
Discussion |
09.30 |
Debate. Vascular access in the elderly: native or prosthetic?
09.30 |
A venous access is always better, Selcuk Baktiroglu
09.40 |
A prosthetic option should always be favoured, David Shemesh
09.50 |
Discussion |
10.00 |
Break in the exhibition hall  |
Chairmen |
Pierre Bourquelot, Eric Chemla |
10.30 |
News |
Ultrasound guided angioplasty and stenting: do we still need a C-arm? Olivier Pichot
10.40 |
HeRO graft: experience from a single centre in Eastern France (Alsace), Christine Jahn |
10.50 |
Lessons (and their practical consequences) learned from the REIN registry (french national audit) for poorly matured accesses in recently started haemodialysis patients, Raphael Coscas |
11.00 |
Discussion |
11.15 |
Debate. The native access is…
11.15 |
A miracle! Carlo Basile
11.25 |
A nightmare! Richard Amerling
11.35 |
Discussion |
11.45 |
Lecture. To DRIL or DR no IL: That is the Question, Karl Illig |
12.00 |
Lunch in the exhibition hall & adjournment