Chairmen |
Eric Allaire, Martin Björck, Maxime Sibé, Franck Vermassen |
08.15 |
Aorto Iliac segment |
08.15 |
Is stenting a safe and durable option in the common femoral artery? Yann Gouëffic  |
08.23 |
Tricks to achieve endovascular repair of totally occluded iliac arteries, Ali Amin  |
08.31 |
Iliac lesions: covered or bare stent? Jean-Paul de Vries |
08.39 |
Why covered stents are not all the same in aortoiliac occlusive disease, Michel Reijnen  |
08.47 |
Endovascular treatment of Leriche syndrome: the keys to success, Sonia Ronchey  |
08.55 |
Discussion |
09.00 |
Miscellaneous |
09.00 |
Sexual (dys) functions following aortic repair, do we need a randomized trial? Serguei Malikov  |
09.08 |
Post operative wall dehiscence following open AAA repair: mechanisms and prevention, Eric Allaire |
09.16 |
Takayasu disease: is it still a room for intervention? Zoubida Tazi Mezalek  |
09.24 |
Discussion |
09.30 |
Industry symposium |
10.00 |
Break in the exhibition hall  |
10.30 |
Industry symposium |
Chairmen |
Michael Dake, Jean-François Garbé, Yann Gouëffic, Giovanni Torsello |
11.00 |
Technical issues |
11.00 |
2D perfusion angiography to assess the distal effect of revascularization, Jos Van den Berg  |
11.08 |
How do I manage long total occlusion: material, technique, results, Roberto Ferraresi  |
11.16 |
De Novo SFA lesions: material, results, uncertainties |
What about stents? |
11.16 |
Do the latest bare stents justify their use in the SFA/popliteal arteries? Maxime Sibé  |
11.24 |
Is endo repair of popliteal aneurysms a failed experiment? Martin Björck  |
11.32 |
Discussion |
Infra inguinal surgical repair |
11.40 |
Above the knee lesions: vein or prosthetic graft? Dominique Midy  |
11.48 |
Grafts with a combination of polyester and ePTFE. Do they offer any benefit? Martin Storck  |
11.56 |
Does heparin-bonded ePTFE graft improve BTK bypass patency? Carlo Pratesi  |
12.02 |
Discussion |
12.10 |
Industry symposium |
12.40 |
Lunch in the exhibition hall 